Monday, July 03, 2006

Reading the Signs AGAIN...7/3/06

The weekend has been a bit up and down. Billy Ray has continued to have pain some of which may be caused by the medication for the yeast in his esophagus. Two of his medical providers have said that it could cause irritation and even stinging.

As in the past he has had severe pain sometimes with communication by behavior. Once the pain is treated with his meds, he is anxious to be busy at least for a short time. This weekend he went for short periods with his stepfather to our storage unit to help organize and remove what we can. It is just around the corner from us so when he is tired he can come home and go back later if he wants to.

The revised picture schedule for the week is now in draft. He seems to have more irritation during the week than on the weekend. At this point, I am trying to easedrop a bit to ascertain if he is having more pain, additional staff training would be helpful or the schedule needs more honing. It is a constant need to Read the Signs.

When there doesn’t seem to be any easy answers I tend to pull away as much as possible and try to seek guidance spiritually. That part of the journey is an important one but not necessarily what you expect to hear about when you come to this blog. I have created another blog that will specifically discuss the spiritual part of our journey. It is Lighthouse Parents Blog if you would care to visit.

Until next time,
Peggy Lou Morgan
Amazon Blog
Parenting Your Complex Child Yahoo Group
Lighthouse Parents Blog

1 comment:

Lora said...

I hope that Billy Ray is feeling better real soon. I hate that he is in such discomfort, I couldn't even imagine what it must be like to have yeast in my esophagus, it must be awful. Thinking of you all every day and wishing you the best of health and happiness.


Oh and check out my blog, there is a DVD that I talk about on there and I think that you may find it interesting to see. It was written by a 17 yr. old autistic young man who is nothing short of brilliant.