Monday, November 21, 2005

Another Lesson Learned from My Disabled Son

Recently I wrote about the R Word..Retardation.  I won’t go into it all again since it is still available in the archives.  However, I mentioned that I teach Billy Ray we are all retarded in some ways and strong in others.

I have also shared with you that I am a “messie” a term used in Messies Anonymous to describe someone who has difficulty with household organization.  I try to do too much at one time and can be distracted easily.

This weekend Billy Ray gave me a reminder of his strength and my weakness in an area.  I was puttering around the house trying to get ready for a meeting with a consultant I had asked to do some staff training with one of the support staff and for the monthly support group I conduct, Lighthouse Parents.  I was also trying to get this blog written and straight a few things around the house.  I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off.

Billy Ray, on the other hand, was quite focused on what he wanted to accomplish.  He was determined to have a milkshake (made with diabetic ingredients) and he repeatedly stayed on focus to remind me of that.  Normally his constant demands might irritate me.  This time it occurred to me that, I need to be like Billy Ray.  He was focused on what he wanted to accomplish and stayed with it until it got done (by asking me for it repeatedly).  If I stayed focused on one thing at a time instead of trying to do so much multi-tasking I would probably accomplish more.

Another lesson learned from my son.  Thanks, Billy Ray.

Until tomorrow,
Peggy Lou

1 comment:

Lora said...

I'm a "messie" too and because of my ADHD I'm always trying to do many things at once and becoming easily distracted. I agree with what you said about focusing, I really need to work on that.So, I have learned something from you and Billy Ray, Thank you both!

Griffin is my greatest teacher. I learn from him something new every day.The beauty of it is that he doesn't have to say a word.

Lora :)